Since retiring as a full-time English teacher, I have been able to pursue my love of writing. I begun collating the poems I had written in the last twenty years. There was such a variety; fun, childish rhymes, serious thoughtful memories and several emotional, very personal poems, that I wrote to help me through difficult times. I discarded some as ‘not very good,’ some were worthy of re-drafting and others I decided I liked.
I began adding to my collection, poems inspired by the birth of my granddaughter and a selection of poems to help others who have had their own turbulent times and moments of depression. As I began to order the selection, I realised that these poems took me on a journey through life, in poetry, and defined my idea for this book. Although many of the poems are very personal, the last few poems in the section: ‘Advice for Life,’ are for everyone. The intention was not just to write a collection of poems from my life experiences, but to engage with others and provide some solace in the fact that we all suffer heartbreak and struggles - but there is always hope:
From ‘Ask Me a Question’...
“Ask me a question and I’ll answer, “okay!”
Because today I’m feeling better, I’m learning to say:
“No, I can’t do that,” and “Not now, no way,”
I’m learning to speak out and cope,
I am walking away...
From the problems and the issues,
And with help I will survive,
Because I’m now determined to climb out,
To stay alive.
I use a variety of different rhymes, rhythms and language techniques, adapting styles to suit the age and theme of each poem. Rhyming poems still remain popular and friends have enjoyed my ‘Childhood Rhymes.’
From ‘Naughty.’ ...
“Mum doesn’t know I’m naughty,
She can’t see in my head,
She won’t be cross or tell me off,
Or send me straight to bed.”
I spent some time researching publishers online but I was immediately drawn to the attentive emails of the Self-Publishing Partnership. They make the whole process so easy and so personal. I felt my book was important to them. The advice given by staff, on editorial changes, design, style, size and format, was so professional and helpful. I am delighted with the final product and when the boxes arrived full of completed copies, I felt extremely proud.
I have advertised my book on twitter, Instagram and to friends on Facebook. Many friends and family congratulated me and what is even better, have ordered books too. I will continue to write poems as ideas tumble and places and people inspire me and maybe have enough for another poetry book in the next couple of years. Now, I need to draft the novel I’ve just finished. Writing is such fun. I recommend it!